The Girl Who Would Be King

A girl disguises her gender to rescue her father’s kingdom from the clutches of a tyrannical invader.
A magic bull helps a young hero overcome his stepmother’s evil plans.
A king’s son must learn magic or lose his love forever.
A man obsessed with immortality finds that even where people don’t die, Death finds a way…

The Mystery of the Dancing Shoes

How do the king’s twelve daughters wear out their dancing shoes every night, despite not being allowed out of their bedroom?

When the young suitors guarding them start to disappear, an intriguing puzzle takes on deadly stakes.

Untangle the Mystery of the Dancing Shoes and meet a whole range of magical characters in this collection of four Romanian fairy tales.

Youth Everlasting

In his quest for Youth Everlasting, a king’s son comes to terms with his own mortality.

A young woman must overcome impossible odds to be reunited with her family.

Two young children make their way out of a difficult situation alongside a cast of magical helpers.

A young shepherd uses his cunning to reach the top of an enormous tree, yet finding his way back requires him to learn a different set of skills.